There are one medical director, one quality director, and eye bank technicians for the main bank and the southern Taiwan office.
The part-time position is filled by an ophthalmologist.
The responsibilities include, for the Eye Bank: (1) To provide guidance periodically in the technical aspect or in terms of the enforcement; (2) To periodically review and evaluate technicians; (3) To review and evaluate adverse events relating the Eye Bank; (4) To evaluate the opinions and suggestions expressed and materials provided by the quality director and decide accordingly the solutions; and (5) To review related medical matters of the storage bank, among others.
The part-time position is filled by an ophthalmologist.
The responsibilities include, for the Eye Bank: (1) To provide guidance periodically in the technical aspect or in terms of the enforcement; (2) To periodically review and evaluate technicians; and (3) To maintain and manage quality of drugs in the storage bank, among others.
The Eye Bank technician performs the operating procedure for the cornea involved in this project according to the principles stated in the “Taiwan Organ Registry and Sharing Center” - “Cornea - Standard Operating Procedure.”